Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baking Home

Baking is glorious and relaxing. I could bake anything on any day. Send a recipe my way and I will bake it up and show the results or test it out for you. Sadly though, I haven't had much time for baking lately. School, homework, and even laundry take priority over baking. However, today we had a few spotty bananas and the hubs has been asking for a little while if I would please be able to make some banana bread soon. So I did. This baking bread time was wonderful and glorious, and I was soaking in every minute of it, especially because I was well aware of the fact that it would mean I would be staying up a little bit later than I would like because I was doing something for pleasure.

So I pulled out the fork and mashed up some bananas, added some sugar and flour and popped two loaf pans into the oven. Oh, the warm and welcoming aroma that filled house... That might be one reason I love baking so much. It makes a house feel like a home. Especially on a rainy afternoon. After 50 minutes of waiting I was happy to enjoy some banana bread. Come over and I will share some with you!

4 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Scrumptious looking!!! Really wish I could come right over and enjoy a slice with you.
Keep on baking, girl!!! You are your mother's daughter!!!
Love you bunches

Anonymous said...

Scrumptious looking!!! Really wish I could come right over and enjoy a slice with you.
Keep on baking, girl!!! You are your mother's daughter!!!
Love you bunches

Anonymous said...

Scrumptious looking!!! Really wish I could come right over and enjoy a slice with you.
Keep on baking, girl!!! You are your mother's daughter!!!
Love you bunches

Anonymous said...

Don't know what happened in the comment section??? ended up with 3 the same? Sorry. Consider it really good since it was repeated 3 times.
love you