Thursday, June 2, 2011


The Hubs is all packed up. You know, since he is leaving me and all.

I helped him pack.

He'll be gone a long time. 

He was sure to pack the necessities.

You know, what's really important. 


Obviously only the important stuff is going to make it all the way to Ethiopia. 

You know, like crackers, chips, cereal, teddy grams, oatmeal . . . 

I mean, one cannot live without food. Right? 


And since it is an known fact that the people in Ethiopia never eat The Hubs is taking his own food with him. 

Actually, I hope you know that there is food in Ethiopia. There is.

The Hubs just wants to make sure that he will have food that is edible to him over the next month.

Can't say I blame him. He's a little bit picky like that. This way he will have some food he can eat before starving to death. 

So, The Hubs is packed up and ready to go. I'm not thinking about him leaving me. 

I don't like to dwell on good-byes. 

I'll wait till he's gone and then I'll cry my eyes out. 

True Story. 

Now, I've got to go and sneak my little notebooks and pictures into his carry-on. sneaky sneaky me. 

He won't even have the faintest idea. 

Too bad he won't have a phone so he can call and tell me when he finds it. 

Oh, Hubs. I'll miss you. 

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