Friday, March 15, 2013

Good Pal Pooh Bear

 Here is some adorable entertainment for your Friday :) 

Hey Pooh, nice to see ya.

This hat keeps getting in my eyes... 

Hi, I like your shirt. 

I like you, Pooh, but I'm kind of tired of sitting here, it's not so comfy.

Ah, yes. A paci. That's much better. 

I think I'm gonna spit my paci out and fuss a bunch. It's fun. You should try it some time, Pooh. Maybe Mama will hold you then. 

Happy weekend to you all

2 comment(s):

Emily said...

Aw, super cute. When my brother was little he loved his pooh bear and carried it around by his shirt. :D

Callie said...

Oh my goodness, he is too adorable!