Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Break

Friday was the first day of Fall Break. We didn't have Friday off, but after school Fall Break began, so yes, Friday was the first day of Fall Break. Today however, is the first real day of break because I didn't have to go to school. In fact, I didn't have to do a thing all day long. And I didn't. No, I really didn't do anything. It's quite a shame really. But I cannot tell you how wonderful today has been. I have been able to stay home and chill. It has been wonderful. I took Puppy for a walk and am working on getting the laundry done.

Other things will get done this week, but today I decided to chill and do absolutely nothing. It has been the perfect day. Hopefully tomorrow I will get a lot of grading, planning, and work type stuff accomplished. Wednesday The Hubs and I have a fun home project that I am hoping turns out beautifully. I will post some pictures after it is all said and done. Thursday I hope I can visit my friend and her new baby girl and get a few more work things done (ugh). Friday we are going to the dentist. I am hoping I won't have any cavities.

Anyhow. That's what my week looks like. Well, my plans for it anyway : ) I know somethings might change it up here or there. But I am hoping it is a relaxing and productive week. More relaxing than anything else, but it can't be all fun and no work. Oh, well.

I am just so thankful for this break. It really is a much needed break. I always used to think the break was more for the students, but now I kind of think it is more for the teachers. Either way, I love it and am so thankful for it. I'm also rejoicing that I made it a whole quarter as a teacher. It feels as though it's been forever and at the same time like no time at all. Crazy.

Anyhoot. I am back, for a week : ) ... and hopefully I will be able to catch up with all of you and all that is going on in Blog Land.

Happy Monday : )

1 comment(s):

kelseylynae said...

HOORAY for Fall Break. I no longer get such a break, except for a day on Friday since we have parent teacher conferences on Thursday after school. Bummer for me…but I will try to live vicariously through you :-)

And congrats on making it through quarter one! It's a big milestone so celebrate :-) Hope things are going well for you!